15 Steps to Moving Out for the First Time Without a Lot of Stress

Moving is exciting and scary at the same time. Will you like your new home? What if you don’t know anyone in your new neighborhood? These are all normal fears to have when embarking on a move.

Transitioning from living at home to being on your own can be both exciting and daunting.

When moving out for the first time, you’ll need to have a handle on your finances, find a place to live, get everything over to your new place, and relax enough to make the transition as smooth as possible.

To help make the transition as smooth as possible, below are 15 tips to make your first move as smooth as possible.

1. When moving out for the first time, start by saving money (to cover monthly expenses, first apartment fees, etc.)

When you move out for the first time, it can be tempting to spend all of your money on furniture, decorations, and other things you need for your new space.

However, it’s important to remember that you’ll also need money for things like rent, utilities, and food.

That’s why the first tip for moving is to save money when moving out. Here are a few things to keep in mind for doing just that:

1. Create a budget and stick to it.

2. Shop around for affordable furniture and decor.

3. Cut back on unnecessary expenses.

4. Set aside money each month to put towards your moving costs.

Following these tips will help you save money while moving out, which will help make the process a little less stressful.

You’ll want to have enough money saved up to cover the cost of housing fees like first month’s rent, moving expenses (including moving supplies like boxes) and things you’ll need to buy for your new place.

You’re also going to need enough monthly income to cover rent, utilities, and other expenses.

A good rule of thumb is to have enough saved up for at least three months’ worth of living expenses as a safety net after factoring in moving expenses (which can range from a few hundred dollars for a cross-town move to several thousand for a cross-country move).

2. Once you have enough money saved, start looking for apartments or houses that fit your budget (having roommates can help you save money)

Now that you have money saved, you don’t want to waste that effort by living above your means. It’s important to start looking for apartments or houses that fit your budget.

Depending on your desired time to move out (you can read about the best month for you to move in this article), you may have time to look for the best deal.

If you plan on living alone, you may not be able to get a place as nice as if you live with roommates to split the costs with.

If you’re wondering how much you can afford, keeping your rent below a third of your income is a good idea.

So figure out if being with or without roommates sounds better to you and then find your next place to live. If apartment hunting feels overwhelming, this article should the process more manageable.

3. Once you’ve found a place to live, sign a lease and pay any required deposits

If you’ve found a place you want to live, make sure to sign a lease and pay any required deposits to ensure that you have a place to live when you move out.

You will likely need to pay around $1000 before even moving. This will be things like application fees and security deposits as well as your first month’s rent.

4. Find out to what extent your new place is furnished (appliances, closet spaces, etc.)

If your new house or apartment comes with furniture or appliances, you’ll be able to save yourself some money and time. Check with your landlord or real estate agent to see if any appliances or furniture are included in your rental agreement. If they are, you won’t have to worry about buying them yourself. If they’re not, you’ll want to purchase them at some point during the move-in process. either way, it’s a good idea to do some research so you know what to expect.

5. Give yourself plenty of time to plan and pack

Once you have everything ready on the apartment side of things, it’s time to plan how to get your stuff there. The best way to ensure a smooth travel experience is to give yourself plenty of time to plan and pack.

Trying to do everything at the last minute will only lead to stress and frustration. Give yourself at least a few weeks, if not a month or two, to get everything done. This way, you can take your time, packing a little bit each day so that you don’t feel overwhelmed.

6. Make a list of all the things you need to do before moving day

There are many things to do before moving day. For starters, you need to pack all of your belongings, make a moving checklist, and contact your utility companies to schedule a disconnection/connection date. You may also need to reserve a moving truck.

Make a list of items like this, plus anything else that applies to your situation. This way, you can check things off as you go and won’t forget anything important.

packing well is one of the main keys to consider when moving

7. Start packing your belongings and make arrangements to have them moved to your new home

Now that you’ve given yourself breathing room and made a list of everything that needs doing, it’s time to start packing your belongings and making arrangements for them to be moved to your new home.

Packing can be time-consuming but worth it when you’re finally settled into your new space.

8. Label all your boxes with both their contents and their destination room in your new home to save time

Labeling your boxes is an important step in moving. By labeling them with both their contents and their destination room, you’ll make it much easier to get settled into your new home.

This will also help you avoid any confusion about where things should go, further easing the stress of the moving process.

Be sure to use a permanent marker so the labels won’t come off over time. That way, the movers (whether yourself, friends, or a professional moving company) will know where everything goes and it will make getting everything out of the boxes much easier for you later on.

9. Pack an overnight bag of essentials and daily necessities

When it comes to moving, one of the most important things to remember is to pack an overnight bag. This way, you will have everything you need with you regardless of how the move goes.

If you don’t want to start unpacking until the following day, having everything you need for a few days stowed in one small, convenient place will save you lots of energy.

Make sure to pack essentials like your toothbrush, pajamas, and a change of clothes. You may also want to include some snacks and a water bottle, so you won’t have to go hungry or thirsty if you end up having to stay somewhere overnight.

10. Get rid of anything you don’t need before moving day

One of the best ways to prepare for your move is to get rid of anything you don’t need. This will help to reduce the amount of stuff you have to move and will make the process much easier.

Go through your home and get rid of anything you don’t use or don’t need. This includes clothes, furniture, appliances, and any other belongings.

You can either donate these items to charity or sell them at a garage sale. By getting rid of these items before moving, you’ll make the move much easier and less stressful.

11. Hire a moving company or rent a moving truck if you have a lot of stuff to move

If you have a lot of stuff to move, it’s a good idea to hire professional movers or rent a U-Haul. This will make the move much easier and less stressful.

The cost of hiring a moving company will likely be pretty steep, especially if you’re on a tight budget, but they can help you move all of your belongings quickly and efficiently. They know the best way to pack and transport your belongings, so you won’t have to worry as much about anything getting damaged.

On the other hand, renting a truck will be much more affordable, and you likely won’t have enough stuff yet to justify getting movers given that it’s your first time moving.

If you decide to rent a U-Haul, be sure to plan ahead and make sure you have enough time to move everything. When reserving a slot, estimate longer than you think to give some wiggle room.

moving trucks can make moves smoother

12. See what insurance coverage would cost for your belongings when you move

When it comes to moving, insurance is worth looking into. If you want to make sure that your belongings are protected in case something happens during the move, it may be worth the extra cost.

If you are using a moving company, their insurance may not cover your belongings. I’ve never used moving insurance, but it is definitely worth looking into so that you can make the best decision for you.

13. Move into your new home and start unpacking

Now that you’ve moved into your new home, it’s time to start unpacking! This can be a daunting task, but if you take it one step at a time, you’ll be able to get it done.

Start with the essentials like toiletries and clothes. Then move on to the boxes that contain the furniture for your new home. As you go through each item, make sure to put it in the right place so you can start using it right away.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, try taking a break every once in a while so you don’t get too stressed out. And be sure to celebrate once everything is unpacked and set up! You’ve just accomplished a big task and deserve it!

14. Update your address (especially on important documents)

Address changes can be a hassle, but they’re definitely worth it when you’re moving. You’ll need to update all of your important contacts, like your bank, insurance company, and employer with your new address.

You’ll also want to change your address with the post office (they make it super easy) so you can continue to receive mail at your new home.

It’s a good idea to update your address as soon as possible, so you don’t miss any important mail or packages while you’re in the process of moving.

15. Last but not least, try to relax!

The most important thing to remember when moving out for the first time is to relax and take things one step at a time. Moving can be stressful, but if you approach it calmly and in an organized fashion, it will be much easier.

Try to relax and enjoy this new chapter in your life! Moving out of your parents’ house is a big life change but it will all work out in the end. Just take deep breaths and enjoy the adventure!

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