How Often You Should Meet New People? 5 Questions to Consider

Meeting new people is often a nerve-wracking experience. It sometimes starts great friendships, but often, meeting new people leaves you feeling like an awkward mess. Before you swear off ever meeting new people, there are some things to keep in mind.

Generally, you should meet new people at least once a month. Having intentional conversations with people you don’t know well keeps you happier and broadens your perspective on the world.

Not convinced? Let’s break down some of the benefits of meeting new people as well as some tips for meeting new people.

Is meeting new people healthy?

Meeting new people is healthy and beneficial to our mental health. It can help us to increase our self-confidence, expand our social circle, and also develop our interpersonal skills.

Additionally, interacting with people from different backgrounds can provide us with new perspectives that we may not have been exposed to previously, and meeting new people allows us to gain knowledge and understanding of different cultures and lifestyles, further broadening our horizons.

Meeting new people can also be fun, as it provides an opportunity for us to learn about the lives of others and make memories that will last a lifetime. Ultimately, meeting new people is a positive experience that can leave us feeling energized, connected to others, and excited about the future.

According to this Gallup research, time spent socializing is time that makes us happier.

How do you meet new people?

You already know that meeting new people can be a great way to expand your social circle and learn something new. But how do you actually meet new people?

Find and attend a group that meets regularly around a common interest you share to meet new people. If that intimidates you, ask your friends if they know anyone you’d get along with.

If you’re not sure where to start, look up groups on Meetup or Facebook about a hobby you enjoy (games, hiking, etc.). You could also try attending events such as concerts, conferences, and classes where you can interact with other like-minded individuals with similar interests.

Volunteering for a cause that you are passionate about is another way to meet people since you will likely share the same values and goals.

Finally, joining online groups or chat rooms related to your hobbies or interests can also be a great way to connect with potential new friends from around the world. These don’t tend to have the same connection potential as in-person relationships, but can still bring meaningful community.

If you want more tips, check out this video.

How do you have a conversation with a new person?

Having a conversation with a new person can be daunting but it doesn’t have to be.

When starting a conversation with a new person, start by introducing yourself and breaking the ice by asking them about their interests, where they are from, and what they like to do in their spare time.

Remember that talking about yourself is ok too!

Show genuine interest in the conversation by asking open-ended questions and actively listening to them.

Be sure to stay positive and keep the conversation light. Complimenting someone is always a nice way to show appreciation for their presence in the conversation, but make sure it’s sincere.

Lastly, don’t forget to smile and enjoy the moment! With practice, having conversations with new people will become easier over time.

This TEDx talk is filled with humor and steps to take these conversations from awkward and bland to genuine and engaging.

How often should I hang out with a new friend?

The frequency of how often you should hang out with a new friend will depend on both of your schedules and how comfortable you are with each other.

Generally, you should hang out with a new friend once a month. This keeps the relationship growing while reducing the chance that it feels too intense or burdensome.

If you both have busy lives and can only meet up once every few months, that is perfectly fine. However, if you are able to meet more regularly, then it can help strengthen the bond between you two.

It is also important to take into account the type of relationship that you two want to have. Do you want a casual acquaintance or an intense friendship?

You should also discuss your expectations and communication styles so that both parties feel seen and heard. In general, it is best to start slow and build up the amount of time spent together as your comfort level grows.

How often do most adults see their friends?

The frequency with which the average person sees their friends will depend on many factors such as the amount of free time they have and how far away their friends live.

Generally, adults desire to see their friends every week. Those who are busy or have friends that live further away may only meet up occasionally, such as once a month or less.

Technology has also made it easier for people to stay in touch with one another without having to meet up physically. This means that even if people don’t see their friends in person very often they can still keep in contact by texting, video calling, or messaging online.

While people tend to prefer the connection that physical meet-ups bring, virtual options bring wonderful flexibility. Overall, the average person’s social life will vary depending on their personal circumstances but meeting up with friends is always an important part of life.

Time to meet new people

Now you know how important it is to make time and take energy to meet new people.

With all of the mystery (and much of the awkwardness) taken out of meeting new people, you’re ready to get started.

Don’t overwhelm yourself or keep the friendship obstacles listed in this article from getting in the way of you building connections. Start small, like with a local group that you share interests with.

Use the above tips to have great conversations. Then grow friendships with people you connect with.

You got this!

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