About Adulting with Andrew

Hey, you! Thanks for coming to my site. In case we haven’t met yet, I’m Andrew, and I just love helping people make a successful transition to adulthood.

Adulting is hard

You have to find a job, keep that job, and hope that you’re happy with it and able to pay your bills. That doesn’t even include trying to also have a thriving personal and social life, each with its own huge list of challenges and obstacles.

Hopefully, you have an amazing support system that you interact with in a 100% healthy manner.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t my experience. Instead of recognizing the goodwill people around me were happy to share, I didn’t ask for help when struggling and often felt alone, something that is still a struggle.

I want to help you avoid the paralyzing feeling of being alone and overwhelmed. We’re on this life together.

You will have your own way of doing things, which is great. Let this be a resource for you to help you know that someone is in your corner figuring out this adulting thing alongside you.

What’s that look like?

If you’re wondering what that looks like, it’s a steady stream of practical tips you can use as you see fit. You know what works for you and where your life is at.

Maybe instead of feeling overwhelmed, you feel like taking on more. Maybe everything is going your way, so you feel super confident. And that’s great! I’m so glad you’re here.

If instead, you’re feeling inadequate and overwhelmed, that’s okay, too. We’ll make it through together.

There are some articles below to get you started. If they aren’t for you, best wishes in your journey. If you like what you see, I would love to hear about it. You can contact me with any feedback, questions, ideas, life issues, etc.

Let’s figure out this adulting thing together. There’s so much that life has to offer. Let’s make the most of it and see what beauty we can make along the way!